Monday, July 16, 2007

36 Weeks...Only 4 weeks to go

If I make it that long! We'll see when Sofia Elizabeth decides to bless us with her presence!
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36 Weeks and 5 Days

Not much longer to go. I've already had contractions and I'm already 100% effaced. Now I just need to dilate. We'll see what the doctor says this Friday!
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Friday, June 15, 2007

32 Weeks=8 Months Pregnant

Still feeling Great. I know I look a lot bigger but I honestly have not gained a single pound since the 28 week picture. Our little Sofie is growing but I don't know where it's coming from!
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Friday, May 18, 2007

7 Months and Feeling Great!

I officicially only have 83 days left before her arrival-that is if she's on time and not early or late! We'll see!!!!
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

This is How We Grow Up To 24 Weeks

Only 16 Weeks left!
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24 Weeks and 5 Days

I saw my nephew Tyler tonight and he looked at me and "You're getting there!" It was pretty funny.
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Thursday, March 29, 2007

21 Weeks and Wow Can You Tell I'm GROWING!

Well, I've officially popped. I began to pop while I was visiting Karen in Pennsylvania and when I got back everyone kept saying, "I can finally tell that you're pregnant!" I am now 21 weeks and halfway there! I can't wait to meet my little girl!!!!
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

19 Weeks Belly Picture

Akmost halfway there and no one can even tell when I have clothes on that I'm pregnant. I'm sure I'll pop out pretty soon. My little girl has to start to grow soon.
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

16 Weeks & 6 Days Belly Picture-Taken February 27, 2007

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Who Knew!

During my 1st trimenster I was beginning to think I was doomed for the entire pregnancy due to all the issues I had had, but fortunately there was a light at the end of the tunnel! I am happy to report my ALL DAY SICKNESS seems to be a thing of the past. Boy of boy am I relieved. I am still dealing with the Erythema Nodosum Lumps on both my legs but they are now primarily on my legs and not my ankles and they aren't swelling up quite as much. They still hurt but not the awful pain when I try to walk. And now I have a huge appetite. During the 1st trimester I didn't know if I was ever going to be able to get around or even smell, much less eat and digest food ever again. I am happy to find out that I still love food and eating. I have tons of energy most of the day. I've been enjoying the lovely weather and working out in the yard on most days or even just running errands. SO much better than being cooped up inside the the house thinking I'd never feel normal again.
My belly is beginning to grow. Not drastically and most people can't even tell, in fact the comment I get from most people is "I can't even tell you are pregnant." I am very sure that is all about to change since I am finally eating again and actually getting the nutritional value from the food. My normal fitting pants don't exactly close very well, but most of my stuff is low rise and all the low rise pants do fine-except when they are fresh out of the dryer. My bust on the other hand has probably grown the most and I am actually scared what it will look like towards the end of the pregnancy. Let's just say certain bra sizes are not easy to find! And my extreme inny belly button is not quite as far in. I can actually see my belly button instead of the dark cave that used to hold it! All in all, things are going great. We get to find out next Thursdya, March 8, 2007 at 4:15 whether it will be a boy or girl. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

12 Week Belly Picture Taken January 26, 2007

Somehow my belly seems to have grown a little bit, despite the fact that I've lost 10 pounds and been so sick! Posted by Picasa

7 Week Belly Picture Taken December 28, 2006

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We're All Together Now!

I wanted to create this 2nd Blog so you could watch my Belly grow with Baby # 1. This way you can see all the pictures together adn see the baby grow, grow, grow!