Sunday, March 08, 2009

21 Weeks and Growing

We are Growing
21 Weeks Boy Belly

Baby Boy Comparison

Pregnancy Progressions Just Baby Boy 21 Weeks

Sofia and baby Boy Comparison
Pregnancy Progressions Sofia and Baby Boy 21 Weeks

Friday, January 30, 2009

Pregnancy Comparison So far...

This is a comparison between my pregancy with Sofia and this one. To my surprise my belly is not that much bigger this time. I was feeling so much more huge this time but happy Friday to me! I am so excited!
Pregnancy Progressions Comparison cropped 15 weeks

15 Weeks

Well I finally have a belly picture of this little bean growing inside me. It is defintley growing and my belly is poking out so much faster than it did with Sofia, but that was expected!

15 weeks baby # 2
15 weeks baby # 2
15 weeks baby # 2
Other pictures will follow more reguarly-I hope! Scroll down and you compare the 2 different bellies if you are brave enough.

Monday, July 16, 2007

36 Weeks...Only 4 weeks to go

If I make it that long! We'll see when Sofia Elizabeth decides to bless us with her presence!
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36 Weeks and 5 Days

Not much longer to go. I've already had contractions and I'm already 100% effaced. Now I just need to dilate. We'll see what the doctor says this Friday!
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Friday, June 15, 2007

32 Weeks=8 Months Pregnant

Still feeling Great. I know I look a lot bigger but I honestly have not gained a single pound since the 28 week picture. Our little Sofie is growing but I don't know where it's coming from!
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Friday, May 18, 2007

7 Months and Feeling Great!

I officicially only have 83 days left before her arrival-that is if she's on time and not early or late! We'll see!!!!
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

This is How We Grow Up To 24 Weeks

Only 16 Weeks left!
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24 Weeks and 5 Days

I saw my nephew Tyler tonight and he looked at me and "You're getting there!" It was pretty funny.
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